
FAMx Shanghai

few figures


– 53 speakers Chinese and French

– 4 satellites symposia organized by OPREA, FIA and Airbus on the 1st day then by L’ORÉAL and VYGON on the 2nd day

– 2 days of top-level medical conferences

– Near 400 participants attended the Forum

In partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Jiaotong, for the second time in China, the FAMx Forum was held on October 20th, 2017 at Ruijin Hospital and on October 21st, to Renji Hospital in Shanghai.

It has been officially inaugurated by Professor Bernard Charpentier, Vice-President of the Academy of Medicine Foundation and President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine, Professor Jean-François Allilaire, Assistant Secretary of the French Academy of Medicine. Then the first day was introduced by Professor QU Jiemin, President of Ruijin Hospital, Mr Gaétan Messin the Attaché for Science and Technology of the French Consulate-General in Shanghai as well as Professor Guoqian CHEN, Academician, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Jiao Tong’s University.

For the second day, it has been inaugurated by Professor LI Weiping, President of Renji Hospital and Mr Benoit SEVCIK, Health Consellor, Social Affairs and Labor at the French Embassy in China.

During this event, we had the honor of hosting around 400 people: doctors, management directors, diplomats, representatives of donors and civil society, French companies, as well as numerous professors and students. The number of participants was more important on the Saturday in particular thanks to its broadcasting via videoconference with the Chongqing and Kunming Hospitals. Jointly decided, the program treated of the Franco-Chinese relationships in the health sector, vector-transmitted infectious disease (such as Dengue fever and Chikungunya), infectious cancers and epidemic crisis management, gynecology/oncology (ovary cancer, ganglionic strategy for gynecological cancers) and of minimally invasive surgery (thoracic and in urology).

The conferences started with a speech on scientific innovations from both Prof. Fernando Arenzana and Prof. Hong Tang. Both scientific co-Directors of the Pasteur Institute in Shanghai. Followed by Prof. Marc Delpech coming from Cochin university hospital Paris Descartes and Prof. Shengdi Chen, that shared with us new medical teachings as well as clinical researches. During the afternoon session, topics on infectious diseases, cancer and tumor were discussed by Prof. Dominique Salmon expert in infectious and tropical diseases, Cécile Badoual specialized in cancer pathology and François Bricaire expert in infectious diseases who has also chaired the session. Regarding the Chinese speakers, Prof. Yumei Wen, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Baiyong Shen Vice-President of Ruijin Hospital, provided they enlightening vision on the theme.

The second day of the Forum started with a crowded audiance on the ovarian cancer treatment topic presented by Prof. Richard Villet and Prof. Di Wen. Followed by the topic on the progress of pharmacological treatment of the ovarian cancer treated by Prof. Ray-Coquard then by Prof. Rongyu Zang, Director of the Gynecological Department at Zhongshan Hospital.

The afternoon was dedicated to minimally invasive surgery at an urologic and thoracic level with the participation of several speakers such as Prof. Jacques Hubert urological surgeon, Prof. Xue Wei Director of the Urology Department at Renji Hospital, Prof. Philippe Verhoye thoracic surgeon as well as Prof. Zhao Xiaojing Director of the Thoracic Department.

As for Prof. Marescaux, Founder and President of IRCAD & professor of surgery, presented his new surgical technologies from Strasbourg. Luc Soler, scientific Director of IRCAD and Strasbourg’s universitary hospital answered to the audience via videoconference directly from IRCAD in Strasbourg.

Students from Chongqing and Kunming university hospitals particularly motivated by the session, asked their questions live and from their own town.

This unprecedented videoconference session added a new dynamic to this Forum.

As part of those two days of Forum, our partners expressed themselves during four symposia:

L’Oréal talked to us about the air pollution issue in China and its impact on the health and the skin.

ORPEA highlighted the Sino-French cooperation in the field of aging.

The Airbus Helicopters Foundation and the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) discussed in a preventive way about emergency and disaster medicine.

Finally, Vygon presented the advantages for patients and practitioners to use a portacath in oncology.

This Forum resulted in the signature of a memorandum of cooperation between the Faculty of Medicine of Jiao Tong University, the French Academy of Medicine and the Academy of Medicine Foundation. And the second day at Renji Hospital, a letter of intent to create the Sino-French National school of surgery of Shanghai was signed. It is part of the actions of the Foundation of the Academy of Medicine and it remains true to its mission of highlighting French medicine’s partnerships around the world.

Besides those two days of Forum, the Franco-Chinese exchange was completed by a visit to the Sino-French hospital in Suzhou with a presentation of the emergency service (trauma center), MRI, oncology radiotherapy department, simulator education center, …

This Forum FAMx Shanghai has been possible thanks to our partners’ support:  SANOFI, L’ORÉAL, AIRBUS HELICOPTERS FOUNDATION, VYGON, ORPEA, AIR FRANCE, FIA, & RFI and we thank them.

All the conferences are available on the Foundation’s Youtube channel.