First National Conference on Organ Donation
As the 3rd Transplant Plan comes to an end, the gap between waiting patients and transplanted patients is growing, while there is a strong potential for procurement. This shortage has strong repercussions on patients waiting for transplants and hundreds of deaths every year.
Faced with this situation, the Greffes Plus (« + ») collective, made up of associations, federations and foundations, has decided to act by organizing, with the support of the FAM, the first National Conference on Organ Donation. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together and associate all the actors around the sharing and dissemination of good practices related to organ donation. The objective is to quickly achieve « more removals for more transplants » by collectively proposing actions that will remove existing obstacles.
After several months of regional and national consultation, the Greffes+ collective has identified and listed a set of proposals. These proposals, which have been transcribed into a manifesto, reflect the desire of those working in the field, as well as of the Greffes+ Collective, to see our current system evolve by addressing, in particular, the issues of governance, the conditions of practice and the training of healthcare teams, living donation and the culture of donation.
We invite you to come and discover the manifesto’s proposals and discuss their concrete implementation during a dedicated day on October 14, 2021 at the Académie nationale de médecine (16 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6ème). This event will be organized in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning) in order to comply with health standards. Do not hesitate to register now, the detailed program will be communicated later.
The Greffes+ collective gathers 9 associations, federations and foundations: the French Association of Families for Organ Donation (AFFDO), the Grégory Lemarchal Association, the Maryse Pour la Vie Association (M! PLV), the Association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose (Overcoming Cystic Fibrosis), the Federation of Associations for Organ and Tissue Donation (FRANCE ADOT), the Federation France Greffe Coeur et/ou Poumons (FGCP), the National Federation of Hepatic Diseases and Transplants (TRANSHEPATE), Greffe de Vie (Life Graft) and the association France Rein.
This event will be organized in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning) in order to comply with health standards. Do not hesitate to register now, the detailed program will be communicated later.