Why is it difficult to age at home?
In creating its Foundation, the National Academy of Medicine wished to put at the service of society as a whole its unique capacity to bring together, on essential health and social issues and around the best French and international experts, all the political, medical, scientific, economic and associative stakeholders.
To fulfill its mission, the Academy of Medicine Foundation (FAM) has chosen to organize debates based on excellent scientific publications or communications, open to the general public (associations, NGOs, companies, patients) and the media, and directly relayed to public authorities, particularly members of parliament. In addition to their level, these debates are distinguished from other events of the same type by the benefit of the institutional status and the guarantees of credibility and ethics that are recognized at the National Academy of Medicine.
After the first cycle of conferences organized by the Foundation of the Academy of Medicine on the theme « Transforming the future of aging », it seemed important to focus the rest of the discussions on « Aging at home ». This theme, linking citizenship and the home, appears to be extremely topical and important.
The recent revelations concerning the elderly in an institutional setting have prompted the Foundation of the Academy of Medicine to propose a series of 4 debates between care professionals and the general public, followed by a synthesis before the decision-making authorities of our country. The aim of these debates is to analyze the difficulties and limits of home care, and then to respond to them in an objective, constructive and ethically correct way in order to build together a better last period of life in a chosen and loved environment.
1st session: Why is it difficult to age at home?
The limits of home care are above all individual, depending of course on the state of physical, functional and mental health, but also on the life history, marital status, family and environmental proximity. All of these interconnected factors play a major role in determining whether or not it is possible to keep one’s home, a built and cherished environment, despite the undeniable emotional, human, technical and financial burdens.
Debate organised under the direction of Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel* (Geriatrician, rapporteur of the working group on ageing commissioned by SAPEA for the European Union) and moderated by Olivier Mariotte (nile).
14:00 Welcome address
Pr Patrice Tran-Ba-Huy* (President of the French National Academy of Medicine), Pr Richard Villet* (FAM Secretary General)
14:10 Overall presentation of the cycle
Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel* (Geriatrician, rapporteur of the working group on ageing commissioned by SAPEA for the European Union)
14:25 The different individual pathways of ageing and care
Prof. Regis Gonthier* (Geriatrician)
14:40 The traditional actors of home support
Michel Billé (Sociologist)
14:55 Discussion with the audience
15:05 Domestic accidents in the home of the elderly
Pr Joël Belmin (Head of the geriatric unit at Charles-Foix Hospital)
15:20 Discontents of home support for health professionals
Pr Philippe Jaury* (General practitioner)
15:35 Testimony of a person/family supported at home
15:45 Discussion with the audience
15:55 Home, citizenship and territory
Jean-Philippe Viriot-Durandal (Chair for Inclusive and Ageing Societies)
16:10 Environment, city and society
Pierre-Marie Chapon (President of VAA Conseil)
16:25 Ageing and incivilities in public life
Dr. Louise Giaume (Emergency physician, Brigade des Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris (BSPP))
16:40 Discussion with the audience
16:55 Evaluation for home care
Dr Thierry Lacombe (EMS-APA) and Caroline Kervran (Social assistant)
17:10 Testimony of a person/family supported at home
17:20 Aging well at home in rural areas
Pr Dominique Vuitton* (Member of the Board of Directors of the Association Santé Education Prévention sur les Territoires (ASEPT) of Bourgogne Franche-Comté), Clément Prévitali (Director of the ASEPT Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
17:35 Towards an age-friendly society
Pierre-Olivier Lefebvre (General Delegate of the Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies (RFVAA))
17:50 Discussion with the audience
18:00 Conclusion
*Member of the French National Academy of Medicine
IMPORTANT: the debate will take place both in videoconference via Zoom and in person. Prior registration is required.
For the remote session, please register on the corresponding link, you will receive the connection link a few days before the event.
For the face-to-face session, please register on the corresponding link, subject to availability.
Place : Académie Nationale de Médecine, 16 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
The organizers reserve the right to make any changes required by health situation.